2020 – Hackensack Parking Lot Graduation Ceremony, June 24
(ignore May 1, 2017 publish date – this was published on June 26, 2020)
Just before 5pm on June 24, 2020, I heard a lot of loud horn-honking. I didn’t even have to look to see what it was. It was the Graduation Honk for some local student who got gypped out of the proper ceremony by the Coronavirus. My camera was in hand before I got to the window. The video’s a little shaky because I didn’t have time to put it on a tripod. This is 4:40 of 11 or 12 little QuickTime files sewn together:
Interspersed amongst all these little videos being shot were my attempts at also documenting the event in stills. It’s not an easy juggling act, but I’m happy with these 10 shots:
I don’t know the girl, but she lives on my building’s side street, so maybe I’ll run into her or her parents and introduce myself.
A little over a month ago, another resident of that building had a similar drop-by ceremony that I posted on a site I moderate:
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