2020 – Holiday Apparel


(ignore April 30, 2017 publish date – this was published on December 27, 2020)


And before you break into the old “Deck The Halls”, let me introduce the modern adjustment:


This’ll be a short one – only two items……….and they’re both my t-shirts: one for Christmas and one for New Year’s Eve. They’re what all the cool kids are wearing (or at least that’s what this cool kid has been telling himself for years).

How many years? The first one is fairly recent……….maybe 5 years? The second one has a 1992 copyright date on it, so 28 years sounds about right.



You don’t know who Krampus is? In some parts of the world, he’s considered to be Santa’s other half: one rewards good children, while the other…………..um, let’s just say that he takes care of the rest of them (Google Krampus – quite interesting).



This one never goes out of style:

…….except maybe this year (see comments).






Dr. A. Fauci: “The CDC strongly recommends that you NOT place your lips on ANYTHING this year and probably the next one.”


Agolf Twitler: “It’s a HOAX! Everyone’s telling me that they love (and highly recommend) a fantastic, new hydroxychloroquine-infused, bleach-flavored lip gloss that protects your lips from anything. My staff uses it to kiss years, tears and rears and they have been ordered to endorse it by my daughter, who – coincidentally – is the exclusive seller of this unbelievable product (and look who SHE has to kiss).”



(Note to WordPress: Please do not post this until January 21, 2021)


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