1974 – “He’s a student” – “No, he’s faculty” – “STOP! You’re both right!”

After high school, I went to Seton Hall University. I lasted ONE semester. I hated it and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, so rather than have my parents spend thousands of dollars that would have resulted in my getting a BA in Nothing in 1969, I dropped out to find some direction.

I found it in quality control chemistry lab work and got my chem degree in 1974. Before I got that degree, I worked for IBM and other labs and was hired in 1973 by the local community college to become a faculty member.

One day in early 1974, I noticed the two active faculty and student parking permits on my car (how often does that happen?) and decided that might make an interesting photo someday (but probably only interesting to me).

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