1981 – Favorite photos of the year
On May 4, 2017
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LOTS of shots this year, but mostly in the next post, so I’ll do the small stuff first in this one.
My favorite shot from the New York Auto Show in the old Coliseum at Columbus Circle, NYC:
From my site (and listed under “Humor”):
The Auto Show, NY Coliseum, NYC
I’m not sure if this is funny – it’s actually kinda sad seeing someone having to do this in front of people, but since it’s not me doing it, it’s kinda funny.
This is Mike Greenblatt, who edited thousands of my pictures for multiple publications from the 70s into the 90s:
From my site:
Great Gildersleeves, NYC
I don’t know what led to my shooting this event (yeah, right), but it was obviously a lot of fun. I wasn’t sure why they so readily let a stranger with a camera up on the stage until I got splashed with mud and they all had a good laugh.
The REAL fun was making up an excuse to my girlfriend for my muddy clothes when I got home and then her seeing these pix a week later and putting 2 and 2 together!
This is the ceiling at Bond (or “Bond’s”, but really “Bond International Casino”) – a big club in Times Square where I shot various acts ranging from Ray Charles to the Clash:
I took some pictures of the store window contents at Argonaut Studios in Teaneck, NJ (I’m in the first picture) – specifically, to photograph the restored picture of an intriguing woman in black from the 1920s.
It was my grandmother.
I was the house photographer at the late, great, legendary Capitol Theatre in Passaic, NJ. This particular night was the 10th Anniversary show.
Between acts, I went into the lobby and found two photos worth taking:
– The sign about being videotaped:
– Two bikers:
The guy whose shirt you’re looking at disapprovingly is an old friend of mine. When I met him in the mid-60s, he was known as Crazy Richie. I worked with him a few years later in a taxi company. We both loved Grand Funk Railroad and went to Madison Square Garden to see them with some of his biker friends and had a blast.
I haven’t seen him since the early 80s, but when I found this shot recently and knew I wanted to feature it here, I searched online for his phone number, found it and called him to confirm what I already knew: wearing that shirt was strictly for shock value.
I didn’t even have to tell him which shirt I was talking about (“Lemme guess……………the one with the swastika?”).
Trust me – it’s pure Crazy Richie and nothing more.
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