2024 – Oh, Go Fly A Kite!
………………………………………………..(ignore April 30, 2017 publish date – this was published on May 8, 2024)
I’ve had a total of ONE kite picture on this blog and it’s this one that I took in 2013. I was very surprised to see my building’s Super flying one in the parking lot in back (although I wanted to tell him to go fly a kite numerous times).
But I looked out of my living room picture window last Saturday afternoon (May 4) and saw TWO of them (kites, not building supers) in the air over that same parking lot.
It was a Dad (Curtis) and his two kids (CJ and Cayleigh). Here’s the first shot I took:
Here’s a closeup of that kite:
Here’s Cayleigh watching it look like it’s crumbling up and falling:
She retrieves it and brings it back to Dad:
And now she looks quite ecstatic that Dad has made it (and her) airborne again:
I love this shot!
Her joy was short-lived:
This is exactly like Charlie Brown and the kite-eating tree:
But in this case, Dad manages to extract the kite from this tree’s green teeth without any damage:
……………and brings it to his office for a checkup to make sure:
At his outdoor office, Dad tends to his daughter’s pink kite, while his son works on a manly blue one:
Dad has kite skills and passes them along to his son:
While the pink patient recovers, Dad and son perform orthopedic surgery on the blue patient (this is a panoramic image – click to enlarge):
Surgery is a success!
While Blue Kite recovers, Dr. Dad takes Pink Kite out for a test flight (another panoramic image – click to enlarge):
A little later, CJ takes Bluey out and gets the same results:
Time to restart the fun flights (yet another PANO – click it!):
You may have noticed that between taking these two shots, I decided to go downstairs and start doing outdoor closeup, ground-level photography.
Can’t get shots like these from a couple hundred feet away and 7 floors up:
Bluey almost gets double-stomped (and so soon after surgery!), while Pinky runs/flies away into the lead:
Cayleigh rubs it in with a couple of return fly-bys (PANO – click it!):
Look at that smile!
She could be wearing that kite – it’s her size:
Finally, the C&C Kite Krew enjoys simultaneous flights, while proud Dad enjoys the harmony (and the photographer enjoys his fortunate on-the-run composition). PANO – you know the drill:
I think the image on the right may be the shot of the day……………both kites are in the air and everyone looks happy.
This was weird………….everyone is stunned by the amount of blue that CJ’s kite has suddenly picked up:
Of course, I have NO idea how that could POSSIBLY happen, but………….I like it! (What a surprise…………….not)
Cayleigh watches as the excess blue suddenly flies away, while CJ’s kite – now much lighter without that extra azure – takes to the air again:
It’s a miracle!
While the men celebrate their back-to-normal blue kite, Cayleigh suddenly sports a frown:
But that didn’t last long………….just look at those eyes as she runs away to end the day on a high (in the air) note (as I end it with a final PANO to be clicked):
Thanks to all you “C” people (Curtis, CJ and Cayleigh). It was a LOT more fun shooting you guys than shooting my grumpy old building super, THAT’S for sure.
Nice to see people enjoying themselves! Haven’t flown a kite since my kids were about their ages.