2024 – Merry Christmas from Hackensack!

………………………………………….(ignore April 30, 2017 publish date – this was published on December 25, 2024)


So I’m at my kitchen sink washing the dishes and gazing through the window one night and a house with Christmas decorations that’s 3 or 4 blocks away catches my eye:

(I actually had my tripod in the sink as I shot through the closed window)


“That must look great up close”, I thought, so off I went. The house is across the street from a Dunkin’ Donuts (Passaic St, for all you locals):

It’s interesting, but I think I like my kitchen view better…………plus, it’s a lot warmer.



I’ve never before seen this bespectacled Santa with a candy-apple red paint job atop a business on Sussex St. If you look closely, it appears that he’s about to throw me off the roof (he wouldn’t dare……………):


He DID dare!

Fortunately, it was only one floor down. Unfortunately, I fell face-first onto the sidewalk.



Two years ago, I photographed a camel and other animals right next door at the Second Reformed Church’s outdoor Nativity scene (https://iaintjustmusic.bobleafe.com/?p=17527).

Afterward, I was under the impression that they were NEVER going to do that again! I’ve forgotten why I thought that, but guess what……………

December 22, 2024:

Same camel? “No! That was Elliott – this is Marvin”, I was told (such Egyptian-sounding names).


Marvin’s ready for his closeup (BTW – that’s my building in the background):


Marv brought along some of his friends (click the second one to enlarge):


Later, there was a small procession that went one block down to Passaic St and back.

Once again, I made sure to photograph the camel as he walked by my building:


After that, it was time for all the kings and Wise Men and little angels (and their parents), shepherds and other animal handlers to head home (Pastor Dwayne Jackson – the Wise Man in orange – is seen high-fiving a little shepherd).

Click TWICE to fully enlarge:

I wonder if they’ll do this again next year……………


The next night, I made my last pre-Christmas stop at The Green, down by the Bergen County Courthouse. This is where Hackensack’s Christmas display happens.

I didn’t make it to the lighting ceremony this year, but I gotta shoot the lights!



Click to enlarge:


Click twice to fully enlarge:


And a very Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!



One Comment

  1. Annemarie December 26, 2024

    A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

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