2024 – Hackensack’s Clinton Place – Insane Halloween Displays (Daytime version)

                                                     (ignore April 30, 2017 publish date – this was published on October 29, 2024)
As many of you know, Clinton Place’s Halloween displays are WAY over the top and nationally-known (Google it! YouTube it!). If you want to see some of my previous coverage, go here:
I haven’t been there since 2020, so it was time to go see what’s newly-dead.
Halloween night there is crazy with crowds (inconsiderate sightseers are ALWAYS blocking my shots……..the NERVE!), so I visited a week before on a sunny afternoon, when I could see (and shoot) everything………….except for the cool lights (I may have to go back at night before Halloween for that).
Anyway, I started on the northeast corner of Clinton and Prospect and walked up towards Summit Ave, shooting everything on the north side of the street and then came back down and shot the south side.
I’m not going to write about every little thing I saw – that’s what the pictures are for –  but if something needs explanation…….I’m the man to ‘splain it.
There are a total of 63 images and one very short video. I’m grouping the images by photo type because if I do it chronologically, it’ll take me forever. SO……..there are 3 from my pocket Canon, 37 regular cell photos and 23 cell panoramic shots (PANOs), which you should click on to enlarge (NOTE: some vertical PANOs won’t enlarge much, if at all).
Some of these shots have incredible detail. It’s worth it to spend the time to find it all.
Canon shots:
Regular cell shots:
At first glance, I thought he was dribbling a basketball.
This would probably scare the hell out of some people!
I don’t get the word association, but Paramus
IS pointing in the right direction.
Look at the work from one house!
I just found a picture of this that I placed in a 2008 Halloween post.
I think this is my favorite shot from this shoot.
Taking her bony……..uh, PONY out for a walk.
The above four pictures were actually taken a block east
of everything else (as were some at the end of this post).
Cell Panoramics:
I showed the fence guy before………..here’s the whole family.
Pre-air. By the time I was on my way back, they were all inflated. You’ll see it later (look for Minnie).
There’s Minnie and her inflated friends.
These four shots are the rest of the ones taken one block east of the Happening Block. This place REALLY stood out against all the Halloween-less houses.
(Click this one twice to fully-enlarge):
I know………..there’s ONE more little item left – the short video.
I ran into a Clinton Place resident and showed this all to her to find out what she thought of my work. Her comment:
I hope someone has a better comment.
Happy Halloween!

One Comment

  1. E October 29, 2024

    A lot bigger than I remembered! Sometimes less is more. But maybe it will look better in the dark. lol, Good job Bob.

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