2024 – You Missed It! Today Was National Yarn-Bombing Day!
(ignore April 30, 2017 publish date – this was published on June 11, 2024)
I just happened to stumble across it because I tried out a new laundromat called Blue Sky in Maywood, NJ today.
I should have had an inkling that there might be some art in store when I was stopped at a red light on my way there, saw this to my immediate left and took two shots before the light turned green:
Jumping ahead about an hour – instead of watching clothes tumble-dry – I decided to go for a walk on Maywood’s 5 or 6-block-long business district – W. Pleasant Avenue.
I was at its eastern end, crossed the street and started walking westward. Each diagonal parking space there has a curbside bollard (metal post) to stop parkers with faulty brakes.
These bollards were looking particularly cheerful on this nice, sunny day. Here’s the first one that caught my eye:
I didn’t get a chance to read its little sign, as I was moving on to the next one:
After that, there was a dressed-up tree:
Finally, one of the little signs was staring me right in the face. It says, “Yarn Bombing is covering common objects in knitted or crocheted materials to create art.”
And then it shows a QR Code in a ball of yarn (is that art?). I didn’t try to scan it, but I don’t know that it wouldn’t work if YOU tried it “to find out more”.
NEVER MIND – I got curious and tried it…………..it works! And brings you here: https://tinyurl.com/MaywoodYarnBomb . It shows lotsa pix that may be from last year’s initial installation (don’t quote me on that).
Back to our show…………….
Last one on the north side of the street:
Headin’ back:
Oooo – multiples!
The sole horizontal one:
Doesn’t the middle pic look like the back of a duck?
It’s even got orange feet like a duck.
The last 3 bollards:
Is this tree wrapped in gold? A neighbor might be interested:
So that was an interesting and productive walk…………..and even the Laundromat gets a thumbs-up.
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