2024 – Last Night’s Harvest Moon-Supermoon-lunar eclipse….etc., etc.
On April 30, 2017
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(ignore April 30, 2017 publish date – this was published on October 1, 2024)
NOTE: These were NOT taken last night. They were taken on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. A WordPress problem would not display the post properly. It was corrected and launched on October 1, 2024.
All I knew was that we were supposed to see a full moon on Sunday and Monday, but not the eclipse or anything else on Tuesday because of clouds and rain.
The eclipse wasn’t going to be any big deal because it wasn’t planetary – just Earth’s shadow on part of the moon, thanks to the sun.
Well, thanks to a slow-moving high pressure system, the rain stayed south on Tuesday, but it was cloudy most of the day……………not looking good.
However, Tuesday evening was fairly clear until the moon rose and things started to look a bit freaky.
This oughta be interesting.
The pix:
1. 7:22pm – I first saw the moon when it appeared to be over Cedar Lane in Teaneck. See the CVS sign? Half a block from the Teaneck Theater (for all you locals). Moon looks like it’s whizzing by in a slightly cloudy sky:

2. 7:23pm – Clouds of various thicknesses move in:

3,4. 7:25 & 7:26pm – Moon turns reddish for some reason…………..perhaps it’s embarrassed because it looks less than Supermoonish:

5. 8:38pm – Skies have cleared. This is the only full moon shot of the evening. I don’t know when the eclipse is going to begin, but it’s supposed to be at its peak at 10:44pm:

6,7,8. The “highlight” of the evening. You can see the times on the pictures:

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