2024 – The Demolition of the Federal Credit Union Bank – (Part 1: 3-22-24 to 4-1-24)

………………………………………………(ignore April 30, 2017 publish date – this was published on May 30, 2024)


The good news is that I can now see the intersection of Main and Passaic streets (somewhat interesting if you live in Hackensack). The bad news is that something much larger will replace the bank and I’ll see less than I saw before.

But before the demolition can start, the killjoys put up a fence covering. Heaven forbid that you should see what they’re doing.

Fortunately, I have a way around that (I live nearby, 7 floors up AND with a living room that faces the bank).

Here’s what I can see and zoom in on (click to enlarge):


As you can see, the fun has already started. My view is of the back of the bank and its parking lot (the bank’s drive-through is just out of the picture to the right). Basically, all the “action” was in the back. The crew will be working their way east toward Main St.



I happened to see someone cutting smiley faces in the fence covering. I thought it was some local vandal, so I shot some video in case there was a reward.

It turns out that the smiley faces were necessary to vent strong winds that might otherwise blow the covering away.

Since it was a breezy day, I walked over to east-west Passaic St to film the north wind being vented:





Time to zoom in on some destruction.

Here are the back doors that most of their customers used:


Working their way to those doors (click to enlarge):


Knockin’ on the door:


Door in the air almost gets sprayed:


More door/window frame-crunching:


Another entrance is spotted. I need to get a closer shot to read what it says before it’s gone:


The “Staff Entrance” exits:


Even I got crunched:


………….and so does everything else:


After-hours PANO shot from over the fence on Passaic St (click all PANOs to fully enlarge):



Five general-destruction shots from home:


I got permission at the end of the day to take this on-site PANO shot:






Squirting wall…………..




The afternoon sun reveals that they’re almost halfway to Main St:


We’re all off for the weekend, getting ready for a double dose (home and away) on April Fool’s Day.


4-1-24 (from home)

Big bites:


Chewy stuff:


The right angle (former corner office?):

(The work has reached Main St)


Front doors/windows?


This may have been one of the rooftop A/Cs:


“Hungry?” (a potential McDonald’s ad):


Major destruction on this day:


Time to hit the road (3 blocks away)……… and that’ll be Part 2.



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